A Tel Aviv il primo Cartier Women’s Initiative Impact

A Tel Aviv il primo Cartier Women’s Initiative Impact

Lo scorso 28 febbraio 2023 si è svolta una mattinata tutta al femminile che ha riunito imprenditrici, professioniste esperte ed investitrici: un momento importante di networking organizzato dal nostro partner Tech It Forward “Le donne possono essere straordinarie agenti di cambiamento sociale”. E’ intervenuta con questo messaggio Wingee Sampaio, global program director di Cartier Women’s Initiative, durante l’evento di networking…

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Israeli beauty-tech sector: how research meets lifestyle

Israeli beauty-tech sector: how research meets lifestyle

Avon, Natura, and Cartier Women’s Initiative: These are just three of numerous big brands working with research-based Israeli start-ups. What is behind this symbiosis of beauty and technology – and what makes Israel so attractive for global players from the lifestyle industry? Israeli beauty-tech sector: how research meets lifestyle According to Jennifer Elias, co-founder of the country’s leading innovation scouting…

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